This page is a compilation of "Chemical Oceanography" from Hokkaido university's course. At this point, they are only available in Japanese, but we are opening up all the lecture videos and materials so that anyone in the world can learn. We would like
to contribute to the achievement of "Goal 4: QUALITY EDUCATION."
The United Nations has designated the decade starting in 2021 as the "Decade of Ocean Science," with the aim of contributing to SDGs. We will contribute to achieving SDG Goal 14 by promoting ocean science. In this page (chemical oceanography series),
you will learn about the flow of nutrients that support the productivity (abundance) of the ocean, the flow of water that controls the flow of nutrients, and the flow of substances that are changed by biological production in the ocean. Experience
the fascination of ocean science. We hope that you will contribute to "Goal 14: LIFE BELOW WATER."