Course with URL
Name of URL module
URL to be linked
Target type
Effect of sea-ice reduction on zooplankton in the Arctic Ocean[Open Access] Matsuno et al., 2015, Polar Biology website
Effect of sea-ice reduction on zooplankton in the Arctic OceanJapanese '北極海の海氷衰退による動物プランクトンへの影響'
Development of Protein-based Flocculant for Water Treatment of Wastewater Containing Suspended SubstancesSeki and Suzuki, 2003, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science website
Development of Protein-based Flocculant for Water Treatment of Wastewater Containing Suspended SubstancesSeki et al., 2004, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science website
Development of Protein-based Flocculant for Water Treatment of Wastewater Containing Suspended SubstancesSeki et al., 2010, Biochemical Engineering Journal website
Development of Protein-based Flocculant for Water Treatment of Wastewater Containing Suspended SubstancesLiu et al., 2012, Separation and Purification Technology website
Development of Protein-based Flocculant for Water Treatment of Wastewater Containing Suspended SubstancesJapanese '濁った排水(懸濁排水)を浄化する「凝集剤」の開発'
Investigation of functional constituents derived from seaweeds around Hokkaido and establishment of their analytical methodsJapanese '北海道産海藻に含まれる機能成分の解明及び 分析手法の確立'
The Fascinating World of CephalopodsFrom Otaka, R. 2018, Cephalopod camouflage: a beauty that’s skin deep. Accessed December 13, 2019 website
The Fascinating World of CephalopodsRigby, 2004, Doctor Dissertation website
The Fascinating World of CephalopodsJapanese '頭足類の魅力的な世界'
Atmosphere and ocean[Open Access] Higuchi et al., 2020, Agriculture and Natural Resources website
Atmosphere and oceanJapanese '大気と海洋'
Research on seabirdWatanuki, 2019, Kagaku website
Research on seabirdJapanese '海鳥の研究'
Measurement methods adaptation in fisheries[Open Access] Tomiyasu et al., 2016, ICES Journal of Marine Science website
Measurement methods adaptation in fisheries[Open Access] Kao et al., 2016, The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan website
Measurement methods adaptation in fisheries[Open Access] 吉江ら、2016、沿岸海洋研究 website
Measurement methods adaptation in fisheriesTomiyasu et al., 2018, Fisheries Science website
Measurement methods adaptation in fisheries富安・上田、2020、養殖ビジネス (move to the publisher site) website