Course with URL
Name of URL module
URL to be linked
Target type
LASBOS card 009_海氷観測 Sea ice observationbilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 002_メモリー式CTD Memory type CTDLASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 002_メモリー式CTD Memory type CTDbilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 004_ハタハタ Japanese SandfishLASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 004_ハタハタ Japanese Sandfishbilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 005_ヒレグロ Blackfin flounderLASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 005_ヒレグロ Blackfin flounderbilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 006_ホッケ Okhotsk atka mackerelLASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 006_ホッケ Okhotsk atka mackerelbilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 007_マガレイ Yellow striped flounderLASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 007_マガレイ Yellow striped flounderbilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 019_CTD採水システム CTD Rosette systemLASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 019_CTD採水システム CTD Rosette systembilibiliで見る website
LASBOS card 020_カイアシ類LASBOS card List 'LASBOS card List'
LASBOS card 020_カイアシ類bilibiliで見る website
Genome analysis of mitochondria and chloroplast from red alga dulse and the relation of bioactivity[Open Access] Kumagai et al., 2019, Marine Drugs website
Genome analysis of mitochondria and chloroplast from red alga dulse and the relation of bioactivity[Open Access] Kumagai et al., 2019, Marine Drugs website
Genome analysis of mitochondria and chloroplast from red alga dulse and the relation of bioactivity[Open Access] Kumagai et al., 2019, Mitochondrial DNA Part B website
Genome analysis of mitochondria and chloroplast from red alga dulse and the relation of bioactivitySearch for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; a method for preparing new oligosaccharides 'Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; a method for preparing new oligosaccharides'
Genome analysis of mitochondria and chloroplast from red alga dulse and the relation of bioactivitySearch for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; protein and peptide 'Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; protein and peptide'