Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)Link to PDF file of "Paleoceanographic Reconstruction Study in the North Pacific Ocean - Ocean circulation changes since the last glacial period". Marine Research, OKAZAKI (2012)https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kaiyou/21/2/21_51/_pdf/-char/ja外部サイト
Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)Link to PDF (open) file of "On Glacial Deep Ocean Carbon Reservoirs", Geochemistry, OKAZAKI (2015)https://doi.org/10.14934/chikyukagaku.49.131外部サイト
Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)Link to PDF file of "Establishment of the Panama Isthmus and Global Cooling", Quaternary Research, SATO (2010) https://doi.org/10.4116/jaqua.49.283外部サイト
Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)Go to the "Ocean Chemistry" contents.https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1103コース「Chemical Oceanography (by Ooki) Index」
Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)Go to previous course (Spring Bloom and Surface Mixed Layer)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1408コース「Spring Bloom and Surface Mixed Layer」
Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)Go to the next course (Organic Matter in the Ocean; Introduction)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1451コース「 Organic Matter in the Ocean; Introduction」
Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; Development of preparation method for UV protective substancesJapanesehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1080コース「低利用資源・紅藻から紫外線防御物質の調製法の開発」
Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; Development of preparation method for UV protective substancesLinks to Articles Related to Research on Red Algae Dulcehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1707コース「Links to Articles Related to Research on Red Algae Dulce」
Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; Development of preparation method for UV protective substancesSearch for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; protein and peptidehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=192コース「Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; protein and peptide」
Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; Development of preparation method for UV protective substancesSearch for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; a method for preparing new oligosaccharides2https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1411コース「Search for health functional ingredients in red algae, a low-use resource; a method for preparing new oligosaccharides2」
Organic Matter in the Ocean; IntroductionGo to the "Ocean Chemistry" contents.https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1103コース「Chemical Oceanography (by Ooki) Index」
Organic Matter in the Ocean; IntroductionGo to previous course (Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?))https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1449コース「 Issue (Is Deep Circulation Permanent?)」
Organic Matter in the Ocean; IntroductionGo to the next course (Size Classification of Marine Organic Matter)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1417コース「Size Classification of Marine Organic Matter」
Organic Matter in the Ocean; IntroductionJapanesehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=138コース「海洋の有機物(はじめに)」
Sedimentation of Organic Particles in the OceanGo to the "Ocean Chemistry" contents.https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1103コース「Chemical Oceanography (by Ooki) Index」
Sedimentation of Organic Particles in the OceanGo to previous course (Sedimentation Rate of Particles)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1422コース「 Sedimentation rate of particles」
Sedimentation of Organic Particles in the OceanGo to the next course (Marine snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel Larvae)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1424コース「Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel Larvae」
Sedimentation of Organic Particles in the OceanJapanesehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=139コース「海洋での有機物粒子の沈降(説)」
Issue: Calculate Particle Sedimentation in the OceanContents of Ocean chemistry (by OOKI) https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=457コース「海洋化学(by Ooki)のもくじ(教科書ダウンロードあります)」
Issue: Calculate Particle Sedimentation in the OceanAsian dust Aerosolpedia (from the Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology)https://sites.google.com/site/aerosolpedia/yong-yurisuto/risuto-jue-ding-ban/huang-sha外部サイト