Sedimentation rate of particlesGo to previous course (Particulate and Dissolved Organic Matter)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1420コース「Particulate and Dissolved Organic Matter」
Sedimentation rate of particlesGo to the next course (Sedimentation of organic particles in the ocean (theory))https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1452コース「Sedimentation of Organic Particles in the Ocean」
Sedimentation rate of particlesJapanesehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=125コース「粒子の沈降速度」
Laboratory work & Field workJapanesehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=962コース「実験や実習を知る」
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeLink to the course "Life History of Eels"https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=784コース「Life history of Japanese eel」
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeDownload "Eel Larvae Ingest Marine Snow Origin Matters," Tomoda et al. (2015)https://doi.org/10.2331/suisan.81.715外部サイト
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeDownload "Observations on the Digestive Tract Contents of Eel Leptocephalus Sampled in the Western North Pacific Ocean," Tomoda et al., Journal of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, (2018). https://doi.org/10.2331/suisan.17-00025外部サイト
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeDownload "Trophic Dynamics of Pico and Nanoplankton in an Oligotrophic Sea Area" by SATO Mitsuhidehttps://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kaiyou/26/1/26_1/_article/-char/ja外部サイト
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeLink to Arctic ocean summary coursehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1567コース「The Arctic Ocean」
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeGo to the "Ocean Chemistry" contents.https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1103コース「Chemical Oceanography (by Ooki) Index」
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeGo to previous course (Sedimentation of organic particles in the ocean (theory))https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1452コース「Sedimentation of Organic Particles in the Ocean」
Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel LarvaeGo to the next course (Sediment Trap Observation)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1425コース「Sediment trap observation」
Sediment trap observationGo to the "Chemistry of the Sea" web sitehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1103コース「Chemical Oceanography (by Ooki) Index」
Sediment trap observationTo the previous course (marine snow (TEP is the correct term?) and feeding of eel pups)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1424コース「Marine Snow (TEP is the correct term?) and Feeding of Eel Larvae」
Sediment trap observationGo to the next course (assignment: Calculating Particle Sedimentation in the Ocean)https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1453コース「 Issue: Calculate Particle Sedimentation in the Ocean」
Sediment trap observationJapanesehttps://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=127コース「セジメントトラップ観測」
Antarctic Bottom Water and North Pacific Deep WaterLink to PDF by Dr. OOSHIMA (Antarctic Bottom Water), Institute of Low Temperature Sciencehttp://www.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp/wwwod/~ohshima/yomimono-kaisetsu/milsil16_P09_11.pdf外部サイト
Antarctic Bottom Water and North Pacific Deep WaterJAMSTEC Press Release (Antarctic Bottom Water) Dr. KOBAYASHIhttp://www.jamstec.go.jp/j/about/press_release/quest/20181012_2/外部サイト
Antarctic Bottom Water and North Pacific Deep WaterLink to Japan Meteorological Agency (Deep Circulation in the Pacific Ocean)https://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/kaiyou/db/mar_env/knowledge/deep/np_deep.html外部サイト
Antarctic Bottom Water and North Pacific Deep WaterGo to the "Ocean Chemistry" contents.https://repun-app.fish.hokudai.ac.jp/course/view.php?id=1103コース「Chemical Oceanography (by Ooki) Index」