乗船実習 shipboard training
Courses tagged with "乗船実習 shipboard training"
附属練習船 おしょろ丸
北海道大学 水産学部 附属練習船 おしょろ丸の説明です
Kategori: 星 直樹 HOSHI Naoki
Training Ship Oshoro-Maru
Here is a description of the Training ship“Oshoro Maru” School of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University.
Kategori: 星 直樹 HOSHI Naoki
Kategori: 今井 圭理 IMAI Keiri
Survey of marine litter in Hidaka Bay surface water: Practice of microplastic analysis
You can see videos of microplastic analysis practice.
Kategori: 今井 圭理 IMAI Keiri
Kategori: 工藤 秀明 KUDO Hideaki

Kategori: 練習船 Training Ship