消化管内容物:gastrointestinal contents, 内容物が出る:contents come out, 上をなぞる:trace over, 片方を抑えて:hold one side, 内容物のみにした後に少しほぐす:After only the contents are loosened a little, 横より:from the side, 上より:from above, 後ろから取っていく:take from behind, 切る:cut, 腸管を傷つけないようにCephulosomeをはがす:Peel off the Cephulosome so as not to damage the intestinal tract, 走査型電子顕微鏡:Scanning electron microscope
The digestive tract contents are desalted, filtered through a filter, dehydrated, and coated with gold before being observed by electron microscopy.