Dusky sole lives in the vicinity of Hokkaido, the Pacific Ocean to the north of Miyagi Prefecture, and the coast to the north of Fukui Prefecture, Japan. The eyes are on the right side. Higher body height and smaller mouth than other right-eye flounders.
The Y-shaped lateral line near the eyes that easily distinguishable from other flatfish species. The female's ovary before oviposition is large and palatable when it boiled. Small fishes would be good for fried.
There are many kinds of fish living in the ocean. We can identify the species by the slight differences in patterns. It is relatively easy to identify the species of adult fish, but it is difficult to identify the species
of juvenile fish. I would like to contribute to SDG 14 (LIFE BELOW WATER) by letting as many people as possible know how interesting and important marine biodiversity is.
The United Nations has designated the decade starting in 2021 as the "Decade of Ocean Science," with the aim of contributing to SDGs. Ocean science, as defined by the UN, includes the field of fisheries.