Topic outline

  • Participation in the Hokkaido University Online Teaching Resources System (LASBOS)

    Hokkaido University has started an initiative to accumulate online educational materials for university education and make them available to the public.  The first step is to expand the scope of the project from the field of marine science to include all peripheral fields.  Although it is open to the public, the primary target audience is the students of Hokkaido University.  Our goal is to nurture top scientists who have the ability to think logically, think abundantly, think globally, and master their work (research skills).  We believe that people who can master their work will be sought after in corporate activities domestically and internationally. We would like to actively incorporate the needs of society into the university's human resource development by making the most of the online features of LASBOS.  (The online system called LASBOS (Learning and Study by Balance de Ocean System) is implemented by the Balanced Ocean Pro ject of Hokkaido University.)

  • The next generation grows up, following and leaning the linkage of the university's online materials to the company's activities

    Learning materials in website format

    A collection of learning materials in the form of a website is available on LASBOS Moodle.  These include the basics of study, lecture contents, laboratory exercises, analysis exercise assignments, data analysis, and research introductions.  "Research Introduction" page offers you the background and basics of the research and more about it. 

    LASBOS Moodle

    Learning materials in video format 

    Video materials are available on the LASBOS YouTube channel (530 registered users as of 2021.10).  There are videos of experiments, practical training, lectures, and field observations.

    Click here for LASBOS YouTube

    LASBOS YouTube

    Learning materials in website and video formats are linked together like a network.  Please create contents such as "Introduction to corporate/organization activities" and "People who are active in companies" as online educational materials to deliver the image of companies to university students and public.

  • Advantages of companies' participation in university online education systems (Participation in corporate activity courses)

    (1) You can introduce your activities as content for this online educational material.

    (2) You can listen to the voices of university students (conduct a survey using the Google form of Hokkaido University account)

    (3) You can make contact with university students directly (through email)

    (4) You can post company messages on the LASBOS SNS (this can be used for student recruitment activities and market research)

    Advantages for universities by companies participation

    (1) To understand the social needs for university education and reflect them in education

    (2) Clarify the link between learning and work, and improve students' attitude of learning