Seeking your support to the Balance de Ocean Project
Hokkaido University is working on a project
to foster the next generation of top scientists of the sea by developing and
accumulating online educational materials for fisheries and marine sciences. This project is not only for Hokkaido University students. It is also open
online to everyone who aspires to learn about fisheries science and engage in
various practices. It is a system that promotes independent learning and
inquiry beyond the limitations of place and time, and beyond the barriers of
occupation, age, field of study, and grade. Our goal is to bring together
excellent learners, to nurture them together, and to make Hokkaido University
contribute to the local community and human society through this social education project. We are
pleased to announce that we have prepared a collaboration program for
companies and organizations that support our efforts in this area. We would be very grateful if you could support us.
School of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University
Office of Educational Program Planning and Promotion
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Collaboration Program (Benefits of Your Support)
1)Create a course to introduce company/organization activities
◆Open an online material (course) based on the company's/organization's activities in LASBOS Moodle [Benefits]
-Set up an introductory page in LASBOS Moodle which includes videos about the company's/organization's activities, facilities, and interviews, etc.
-Videos will be provided by the company. If you need help with filming, please contact us.
-Setting up a course with images and texts is also acceptable, if you do not wish to include video.
-We will conduct surveys of any student who accesses the Corporate Activities Introduction Course. (Up to two free surveys per year)
Click here for more information about participating in the creation of the Corporate Activities Introduction Course
◆Your name will be inscribed in the
Moodle course you create.
◆Your name will be inscribed as a donor in the directory of LASBOS Moodle.
◆Inclusion of donor names on commemorative plaques (Gratitudes of the Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation)
-The names of donors will be inscribed on commemorative plaques in 2nd floor of Centennial Hall.
Click here for more information on the Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation
Support amount: 600,000 yen or more per year
2)Support for the dissemination of learning material cards about the ocean
◆Listing of donor's name on 1,000 LASBOS cards
-1,000 LASBOS cards (you can choose one card type from card types already published) with your name as the supporter will be produced and distributed within the university and throughout Hokkaido (in the case of one unit).
e.g. 5 units: 5 types of cards with 1,000 cards each; 10 units: 1 type of card, 10,000 cards, etc. We have a total of 29 types of cards (December 2021).
◆Your name will be inscribed as a donor in the directory of LASBOS Moodle
◆Inclusion of donor names on commemorative plaques (Gratitudes of the Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation)
-The names of donors with more than 200,000 yen (more than 4 units) will be inscribed on commemorative plaques in 2nd floor of Centennial Hall.
Click here for more information on the Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation
Support amount: 50,000 yen per unit
3)Regular Support
◆Your name will be inscribed as a donor in the directory of LASBOS Moodle
◆Inclusion of donor names on commemorative plaques (Gratitudes of the Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation)
-The names of donors with more than 200,000 yen will be inscribed on commemorative plaques in 2nd floor of Centennial Hall.
Click here for more information on the Hokkaido University Frontier Foundation
Support amount: 30,000 per unit
We would appreciate your continued support (multiple years) for (1) to (3) .
Application Procedure
[1] If you have any question or concerns about the collaboration program, please feel free to contact Balance de ocean team.
[2] After selecting program no.1~3 and amount of support, contact Balance de ocean team.
[3]The office of Hokkaido University Frontier Foundataion supports the procedure of remittance. Using a bank account and credit card is available.
[4] We will send you a donation receipt.
[5] Initiate the collaboration program (benefits ofyour support, etc.)
In addition to the "Frontier Fundation Donor Benefits", we will offer the benefits ( (1)to(3) above) to companies/ organizations that support this project, so that your contribution to the university and society is visible. If you do not wish to receive any of these benefits, you can simply
make a donation.
Donations made through this collaboration program are
not eligible for the School of Fisheries Student Support Project's return gifts (the
School of Fisheries' return gifts).
We will
post a video interview (1-3 minutes) with an alumni/alumna of Hokkaido
University who belongs to your company/organization for free. Click here to the page.
-Please note that the company/organization has the rights to all images and can change or remove them at any time even though after they are posted. Please contact Balanced Ocean team if you would like to contribute.
The names of the companies and
organizations that have supported our collaboration program are listed on the link page.
You can also visit the name list quickly from the LASBOS Moodle top page.
Moodle is used by many citizens as well as faculty and students of Hokkaido
■Name on LASBOS card
LASBOS card; collection cards for learning about the ocean, with photos on the front and explanations and video links on the back.
The names
of the companies and organizations that supported the project will be printed on the back of the card, which will be distributed on campus and at other locations in Hokkaido.
Place of distribution: The Hokkaido University Museum (over 250,000 visitors
annually from Japan and abroad), Hakodate Airport, etc.).
Rare photos of oceanographic instruments, specimens,
micrographs, and underwater photos are provided by experts. (on the front)
The unique explanatory text and the related video linked from the QR code are also popular. (on the back)
LASBOS card distribution
-Permanent exhibitions
cards are always distributed at facilities for the general public. Hokkaido University Museum (Sapporo City),
Fisheries Science Museum (Hakodate City), Hakodate International Research
Center for Fisheries and Oceanography (Hakodate City), etc.
- Temporal event distribution
In addition to distributing cards at high schools and other
off-campus events, LASBOS cards are distributed at orientation for freshman of Hokkaido University and also at various locations inside/outside campus. Hakodate Airport (1F Central Hall), Hakodate City
Central Library, high school information sessions, etc.
Contact us
Balance de Ocean Team
3-1-1 Minato-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8611 Japan Faculty of
Fisheries, Hokkaido University
Tel :+81-138-40-8885 e-mail : lasbos_info[at]