I was working in the Chemistry group, and in the Chemistry group there is a hellish task called "labeling".

 Labels are affixed to bottles so that it is possible to distinguish during analysis which cruise the seawater was taken from and at which station it was sampled. On this cruise, labels were affixed to approximately 500 bottles.

 This process may seem simple and easy, but it is surprisingly hard.

 Some bottles can be touched by hand, which can be detrimental to the sample, so we wear gloves. First of all, the gloves get in the way, making it difficult to remove the tape backing, which is frustrating.

 Also, after doing hundreds of labels, I sometimes lose track of which station I am currently making labels for and end up making duplicate labels, which is frustrating (lol).


↑Empty face while labeling


↑The members of the physics group also helped me. (I think she has glazed eyes!!!!!)

Última modificación: lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023, 18:18