★What is a wach?

Observations are made 24 hours a day on the ship. Therefore, it is not possible for everyone to make an observation every time...

So we set up shifts and rotate work by the hour! This shifting is called "arranging a watch".


Physics group: 3 watches (6 people)

Chemistry group: 2 watches (4 people)

Some watches don't have much observation and go to service watches during other watches' time, and so on in a loose manner.

There were some groups that could not eat on time because their observations were covered during the meal time.

There were also times when we could not leave due to seasickness or illness, in which case we all had to work together to get the job done!

I was in the chemistry group watch from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Here are some of my lifestyle habits!

★Example of life in the Chemistry Group★


※What is work? This refers to observation, preparation, instrument cleaning, and analysis. 

Of course, I didn't work all the time during my working hours. When I finished the work that needed to be done, I would read books, chat with friends, watch movies, or study!

We would also spend our free time relaxing in the same way, and sometimes we would all eat our midnight snacks together because we were sometimes hungry because dinner was early. (Holy crap, I gained a lot of weight thanks to that!

At times it was very tiring because the observations were packed, but I managed to get through it because various people helped me with my work and we all ate midnight snacks together!

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 10:19 AM