On June 6, cargo was loaded onto the Oshoro-Maru.

On this page, we will mainly report on the loading process at the Ueno Laboratory with photos!

7:30  Main Building, Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Univ.

The cargo that has been packed in the laboratory is packed into the university's official vehicle and transported to the Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans, where the Oshoro-Maru is docked.

It is a huge amount of luggage, but in fact, most of it is personal belongings such as snacks.

8:30 Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans

The weather was cloudy. The blue sky looks good, but considering the work to be done later, this is probably about right.

Up close, it is quite large.

Once at the Oshoro-Maru, it's time to load up.

Write your name on the passenger list, borrow a special helmet, and start working.

I got the impression that there were quite a few students helping out in addition to those on the cruise.

A crane is used to transport the cargo onto the ship.

Cargo is loaded in a bucket brigade.

...Yes, it's 100% pure physical labor. I can't stand the lack of exercise, man.


They carry them in a voice saying, "This is room A," "It's heavy," etc.

There were many different types of cargo, but drinks were especially heavy.

The bucket brigade on the stairs looks like a lot of work....but looks like fun?

Of course, not only the Ueno Lab's cargo is loaded, but also that of the various laboratories that continue to arrive one after another.

Until the cargo arrives, it is time for a break.


There was a longer wait than I expected.

Around 12:00

Although there were some problems along the way, such as a broken bottle in one of the laboratories and a door lock next to the stairway that came off, causing a bucket brigade to hold it down with their backs, we were able to complete the loading without incident.

Now all we have to do is wait for the ship to leave!

By the way, my muscles were sore the next day.

Terakhir diubah: Senin, 13 November 2023, 18:16