
Passports are required as the vessel will be anchored in the waters and ports of other countries, including Alaska.

2.Vaccination certificate

Same reason as passport. Prepare a foreign, paper-based certificate.

3.Heavy outfit designed to keep out the cold

It is cold on the ship! Windy too! That's why we need it!


Polarized sunglasses protect your eyes from strong UV rays!

In fact, bringing sunglasses is required by treaty.

5.Work clothes

As the name implies, these clothes are for work on board.

No overalls are allowed, but collared shirts are acceptable.

6.Change of clothes

(Custom Designed T-Shirt)

There is a washing machine on board, but it is not available during rainy weather.


(Photo: Ms. MATSUURA)

Used during water sampling. Wetting the body is dangerous.

8.Rubber boots

When working on board. Spiked type is not acceptable as it will damage the ship.


For onboard wear. No sandals are allowed except in the living quarters.


(Ms. Araki's personal belongings)

Used with a collared shirt when entering the bridge.

11.Daily necessities (detergent, shampoo, etc.)

Bath and toiletries, laundry detergent, etc.

I mean, you can bathe in...

12.Warm clothes for visual inspection

The visual inspection is outside day and night. So it is terribly cold.
So be prepared with knit caps, neck warmers, gloves, and so on.

And of course, don't forget sunscreen.

13.Motion sickness medication

A companion during the cruise. In a way, this may be the most important.

Ane◯on seems to be popular among students.


Used in the event of sick person on board, etc.

I hope it doesn't come to that

সর্বশেষ পরিবর্তন: সোমবার, 13 নভেম্বর 2023, 6:15 PM