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I research the ecology of fish and pinnipedia.

In terms of fish, we are investigating how predator-prey relationships and environmental changes affect fish ecology, predator-prey relationships, and stock dynamics (i.e., decrease or increase in fish abundance). As mentioned by other researchers, in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, the destination of this cruise, the timing of the ice retreat has been earlier and the water temperature has been higher in recent years. This trend has become more pronounced in the last five years or so, and I am interested in how this has affected the ecosystem as a whole. Specifically, as water temperatures have risen, walleye pollock and cod, similar to those found in the southeastern Bering Sea, which is called the subarctic region, and around Hokkaido, have been moving up to the north. We have a situation where subarctic fish are invading the Arctic ecosystem, so to speak. We are trying to find out how subarctic fish are behaving in the Arctic Ocean. Specifically, we are trying to find out what kind of fish there are and how many of them are feeding on the fish that are already in the Arctic.

Last modified: Thursday, 9 November 2023, 6:50 PM