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Even if you cannot download the paper, you can get an overview of the paper by reading the abstract.

After that, it is a good idea to request a copy through the university library or obtain the literature for a fee.


* "Open Access" refers to articles for which publishers and authors have permitted the publication of articles for academic purposes only (including commercial purposes in some cases). Even with Open Access, the copyright belongs to the author, so it is necessary to follow rules such as properly citing information and not altering the work. Open Access has several levels of restriction, so care must be taken when citing and publishing copyrighted material.


Regarding the citation of figures, tables and illustrations: In some cases, the author's website (including this Moodle course) allows citation of the author's own paper figures. Therefore, even if a figure or a table is published in this Moodle course, it may not be allowed to reprint them on another website without permission, so please be careful.

সর্বশেষ পরিবর্তন: শুক্রবার, 23 জুন 2023, 7:52 PM