Exercise (1-1) Click here
Standard sample Adjusted concentration Measurement results
① blank (NO3- concentration = 0) → peak height = 105
② Standard sample(NO3- concentration = 0.005 mg L-1) → peak height = 610
③ Standard sample(NO3- concentration = 0.01 mg L-1) → peak height = 1031
④ Standard sample(NO3- concentration = 0.05 mg L-1) → peak height = 5203
⑤ Standard sample(NO3- concentration = 0.5 mg L-1) → peak height = 52682
Calculate the concentrations of the following unknown samples.
unknown sample1) 721
unknown sample2) 472638
unknown sample3) 32046
unknown sample4) 8245
Calculate the regression line of the calibration curve and the concentration calculation of the unknown sample on an Excel sheet.