Download ocean density data (Reference)
To calculate the sedimentation rate of the particles, we need to be given density data for the ocean. If you want to use actual density data, you can download it here. The results were observed at the 155°E line in the Northwestern Ocean during the Oshoro Maru oceanographic training (2016).
Chlorophyll concentration is also available. We can estimate how much phytoplankton was actually distributed and at what depth. If the chlorophyll concentration is below 0.05 μg/L, it should be considered almost zero. (This is below the lower limit of quantitation for chlorophyll analysis.)
Chlorophyll concentration is also available. We can estimate how much phytoplankton was actually distributed and at what depth. If the chlorophyll concentration is below 0.05 μg/L, it should be considered almost zero. (This is below the lower limit of quantitation for chlorophyll analysis.)
All of the observation sites were at depths of about 5000 m. Some stations made CTD observations only down to 1000 m or 3000 m.