CTD water sampling system
KEIRI Imai, KENJI Oguma, and KOUKI Sawada, Oshoro-maru Marine Science Department, School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
The CTD water sampling system is a combination of a wired CTD, a water sampling device, and a water sampler. It is an observation system that measures the vertical distribution of water temperature and salinity, and collects seawater from any layer while monitoring the measured values.
Fig 1 CTD observation (CTD water sampling system submersible station is being deployed into the sea)
The system consists of an underwater station that combines a CTD sensor and a water sampling device, an onboard station (a deck unit that receives data sent from the underwater station and a data recording PC that records and displays data received by the deck unit), and cables connecting them (Figure 2, 3, 4, 5). The underwater station is lifted above the sea surface using a crane, and then lowered into the sea by unrolling a special cable called an armored cable (coaxial cable covered with steel wire) wound on a winch. The values measured by the underwater station are immediately transmitted to the deck unit via the armored cable. The measurement data received by the deck unit is stored in a data recording PC and simultaneously monitored using dedicated software. In addition, the Niskin water sampler lid can be closed by emitting a water sampling signal from the onboard station to collect a seawater sample from any layer.
Fig 2 CTD water sampling system Configuration
・船上局 Onboard operation section
データ収録PC Data recording PC
デッキユニット Deck Unit
船内配線 Wiring on boardCTDウィンチ CTD Winch
アーマードケーブル armored cable
・水中局 In-water section
ニスキン採水器 Niskin water sampler
採水装置 Water sampling equipment
フレーム FrameFig 3 Configuration of CTD onboard station
デッキユニット Deck Unit
水中局へ To the In-water section
データ収録PC Data recording PC
入出力機器(モニタ,キーボード,マウス) Input/output devices (monitor, keyboard, mouse)
Onboard stations consist of deck units, data recording PCs, monitors, and other input/output equipment. The photo shows the CTD operation room of the training ship Oshoro Maru (Hokkaido University), where two deck units and two data recording PCs are housed in a rack, and monitors and keyboards are installed right next to them.
Figure 4 Configuration of CTD underwater stations
アーマードケーブル Armored cable
多筒採水装置 Multibarrel water sampler
ニスキン採水器 Niskin water sampler
保護フレーム Protective frame
採水器架台 Water sampler mounts
CTDセンサ CTD sensor