Transfer the entire amount of reagent weighed out on a balance to a volumetric flask. You can also transfer the reagent by placing a funnel over the mouth of the volumetric flask and pouring water into it.
You can also put the reagent in a beaker, let it dissolve to some extent in the beaker, and then pour it into the volumetric flask.
After it is completely dissolved, add water to the volumetric flask up to the mark.
(When the powder reagent dissolves in water, the volume of water + powder reagent becomes smaller.)
★ Mix carefully and carefully while holding down the stopper of the volumetric flask. Please flip up and down 20 times. Beginners often fail because they are not flexible enough and adjust reagents with uneven concentrations.
★ Do not stopper the volumetric flask with exothermic reagents in it. The air inside the volumetric flask heats up and expands, causing the stopper and liquid to splatter.

④試薬をメスフラスコへ移すTransfer reagents to volumetric flask 小さめビーカーsmall beaker イオン交換水ion exchange water 秤量瓶の洗液もビーカーへThe washing liquid from the weighing bottle is also transferred to the beaker. 洗液もメスフラスコへThe washing liquid is also transferred to the volumetric flask.
⑤メスアップしてよく混ぜるMix well 上下転倒フリフリ20回Flipping up and down 20 times
発熱する試薬をメスフラスコで溶かすのはNG! It is no good to dissolve reagents that generate heat in a volumetric flask.
メスフラスコの空気が膨張Air in volumetric flask expands 栓と液体が飛び散るStopper and liquid splash 放熱してからAfter dissipating the heat.