Inhale slowly, exhale slowly, and release slowly while holding your fingers.
Be sure to observe this.
Failure to observe this will almost certainly cause the pipette to fail by sucking liquid up into the body.
If you cannot follow this, do not touch the pipette. They are unsuitable for experiments.
The following is an explanation of why and in what situations it is essential to "inhale slowly, dispense slowly, and release slowly with fingers attached".

必ず守ることBe sure to observe
ゆっくり液を吸い上げる、ゆっくり吐出して、ゆっくり解放するSuck up liquid slowly, exhale slowly, release slowly.
ゆっくり(指を添えて)液を吸い上げるSlowly (with fingers) suck up the liquid
液面の上昇を待つ。Wait for the liquid level to rise.
(粘性の高い液体は上昇に数秒かかる)(Viscous liquids take a few seconds to rise)
濃硫酸などConcentrated sulfuric acid, etc.
① If the liquid is sucked up too vigorously, the momentum may cause the liquid to enter the body.
② The liquid level rises slowly when a pipette is sucked up, such as highly viscous concentrated sulfuric acid. When the inside of a pipette is depressurized, but the pipette tip is taken out of the liquid surface, air may be sucked in with great force. The momentum of sucked air may cause the liquid to enter the body.

液面が下がるthe liquid level drops 空気を吸い込むbreathe in air 勢いで液が跳ねるLiquid bounces with vigor. 本体に入り故障Failure to enter the main unit 先端が液面下にあることを常に確認Always make sure the tip is below the liquid level 常にゆっくり吸い上げることAlways inhale slowly. ボトルの中が見えなくても確実にEven if you can't see what's in the bottle, you can be sure
★ As a matter of course, the liquid level in the container will drop if the liquid is sucked out with a pipette.If the pipette tip is at the very edge of the liquid level, air will be sucked in as the liquid level drops. So, the liquid will enter the body. Make sure the pipette tip is below the liquid level.
★ Some containers have no visible liquid level. Still, make sure that you do not inhale air.

ゆっくり吐出する、ゆっくり(指を添えて)解放Slowly discharging, slowly (with fingers) releasing 早すぎる吐出Premature discharge 最後のワンプッシュOne last push 残ってるRemaining. 勢いよく開放Vigorously open ゆっくり吐出Slow discharge ゆっくり解放Slow Release
③ Reason for slow dispensing: When dispensing in a hurry, dispensing is completed even though there is still some liquid on the inner wall of the pipette tip. After the dispensing is completed, the liquid will run down the inner wall and accumulate at the tip of the pipette. Besides, if you release the pipette piston, you will let the liquid into the pipette body along with the air. Spit it out slowly and give it one last push (up to the 2nd stop) after it has passed through the inner wall and finished accumulating at the bottom. Pipette tips should be checked with a good visual inspection.
Reason for slowly releasing the tip with a finger: Even if liquid accumulates on the tip after dispensing is complete, it is often safe as long as the tip is slowly released with a finger.
※Finally, pushing and releasing the lever of the pipette and shpo shpo shpo is absolutely not allowed.