The Chukchi Sea is the southernmost region of the Pacific Arctic Ocean. Warm Pacific Summer Water flows into the Chukchi Sea from the south through the Bering Strait from May to October (Figure 1) (Woodgate et al., 2005). Most of the Pacific Summer Water entering the Chukchi Sea is thought to be transported to the Barrow Canion in the northeastern Chukchi Sea (Itoh et al., 2013) and then further north to the Canadian Basin. This Pacific summer water whose temperatures above 0°C is related to the sea ice reduction in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean (Timmerman et al., 2018). Therefore, many researches have been conducted to understand the transport pathways of the Pacific Summer Water into the Canadian Basin. Recent studies suggest that Pacific Summer Water passing through the Barrow Canyon is transported westward over the northeastern Chukchi Sea shelf margin along the Chukchi Slope Current (Figure 2) (Corlett and Pickart, 2017).
Figure 1: Pacific Summer Water flowing through the Chukchi Sea
太平洋夏季水が流入(5-10月): Pacific Summer Water inflow (May-October) チャクチ海: the Chukchi Sea ベーリング海峡: Bering Strait バロー海底谷: Barrow Canyon カナダ海盆: Canada Basin シベリア: Siberia アラスカ:Alaska
Figure 2: Northeastern part of the Chukchi Sea (within the red frame in Figure 1) Red circles: mooring stations, Red stars: Cape Barrow