토픽 개요

  • Fish Diseases Visual syllabus

    Fish Diseases 

    Teacher:KASAI Akihide (associate professor)

    Lecture Contents① About Infectious Diseases of Fish:The photo on the left shows a flatfish with a viral disease. In this lecture, we will cover infectious diseases of fish in each of the following categories: viral diseases, bacterial diseases, fungal diseases, protozoan diseases, and parasitic diseases.

    Lecture Contents② Diagnosis of Fish Disease:The photo on the left shows the specific detection of virus-infected cells (positive cells emitting fluorescence). In this lecture, we will introduce the diagnosis of fish diseases by various methods.

    Lecture Contents③ prevention of epidemics:The photo on the left shows the fish from which gametes are obtained (called parent fish) being sampled for material to be tested for the presence of pathogens. In this lecture, we will introduce means of preventing fish diseases in aquaculture and seed production facilities.

    Lecture Contents④ Global Efforts to Prevent Infectious Disease Epidemics:With the widespread global distribution of seafood, pathogens can spread to uncontaminated areas. Diseases that can have a significant impact on resources and emerging infectious diseases are equipped with coordinated government surveillance systems. In this lecture, we will introduce the above systems and the legal system in our country.